White Paper

Using KPIs to drive changes

Read this article and learn how to leverage KPIs to monitor and drive change.

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Have you ever heard the saying "what gets measured gets done”? Every company wants to be able to meet their organizational objectives successfully. Therefore, key performance indicators (KPIs) play an important role in achieving good results.
To introduce change, one should focus on changing behaviors first, then only in a second stage look at results, because the expected results from these new behaviors come gradually from learning and practice.
In this article, Nicolas De Dobbeleer explains how to leverage KPIs to monitor and drive change using the implementation of new project management standards in an IT organization as an example.
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About the author

Nicolas De Dobbeleer
Nicolas De Dobbeleer. M.Sc., PMP, is the managing director of The Project Gold Mine, a consulting company focusing on project management, based in Belgium. He has more than 20 years of experience in R&D, IT and process reengineering projects to help companies improve their project management process. Services range from maturity and performance assessment to PMO setup, project management information system implementation, training and recovery of troubled projects.

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