
9 Essential Features for a Food Safety Management System

Some guidance on which essential features to look for and how to get your Food Safety Management System implementation off to a fantastic start.

Über den Inhalt

Quality and safety are two essential attributes for companies in the food and beverage sector. That’s the driving force behind the increasing interest in software solutions for this sector.
Automating the food safety management system facilitates the execution of processes and procedures related to quality and safety standards and regulations. If you’ve decided to invest in technology to support your improvement efforts, you have many options.
This webinar will give you some guidance on which features to look for and how to get your implementation off to a fantastic start.
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Über den Autor

Gustavo Oliveira
Gus Oliveira has a degree in Business Administration as well as a degree in Economics from The University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth (USA). Oliveira has experience in the software industry for Business Excellence also in the financial and business development field, working in large companies both in the United States and in Brazil as a financial analyst, business strategy consultant and a senior project consultant.

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