
Maximize the value of your initiative investments by ensuring strategic alignment, resource optimization and long-term success. Improve your organization's portfolio management using a single solution.


More efficiency for your routine

Resource optimization

Allocate resources efficiently and effectively, prioritizing initiatives with the greatest impacts and eliminating redundant or low-priority ones.
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Centralized management

On a single platform, manage the demand for initiatives and ideas throughout the entire process life cycle and don't miss any opportunities to add value.
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Effective decision making

Base your decisions on concrete data and the accurate analysis of project portfolio performance, ensuring a strategic and informed approach in your business.
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Strategic alignment

Ensure all project initiatives are aligned with your organization's strategic objectives, maximizing return on investment and long-term success.
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Prioritize strategic initiatives with effective portfolio management software

Registration of initiatives

Register and manage all your organization's initiatives in a single place, facilitating monitoring and strategic decisions.

Feasibility assessment

Evaluate the feasibility of initiatives with financial and quantitative analysis to increase the value of your portfolio.


Use project priority ranking to select the initiatives that offer the greatest added value and alignment with the organization's strategic objectives.


Facilitate collaboration and communication among team members with notifications of new tasks using the management menu and email notifications sent to the person responsible.


Monitor the approval processes using customizable portals that offer different visualizations such as graphs, indicators and heat maps, among others.


Issue customizable reports based on your organization's specific needs, with detailed analysis of project portfolio performance and the sharing of information with stakeholders.

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Why do customers choose SoftExpert

Success Case
Comau increases operational efficiency and reduces risk of failure by 60% with SoftExpert
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Success Case
Hyundai reduced rework by 57% by automating its innovation program
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Kley Hertz

Success Case
Kley Hertz enhances processes, ensures information security, and increases productivity by 60% with SoftExpert
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Success Case
Buschle & Lepper boosts performance with an 81% increase in preventive maintenance and expands revenue with SoftExpert
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Success Case
Dos Pinos centralizes 186 services with SoftExpert Suite and saves over 30% by implementing a Shared Services Center (SSC)
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Discover the solutions that are part of SoftExpert Portfolio

Product Lifecycle - PLM
Innovation and Change - ICM
Project and Portfolio - PPM

Product Lifecycle - PLM

Improve your product lifecycle management efficiently and cost-effectively, from conception, design, manufacturing and services to delivery and tracking. Do all of this with an accessible, easy-to-use and completely web-based product lifecycle management system.

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Innovation and Change - ICM

Efficiently manage organizational ideas and changes, driving innovation with ease.

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Project and Portfolio - PPM

Modernize and simplify your project and portfolio management system with essential resources to help you plan, execute and monitor your projects to ensure their successful completion according to PMBOK guidelines. Explore how PPM software products can empower your team.

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Compliance with global privacy and security standards

Advanced data protection

SoftExpert ensures the protection of your company's data and compliance with the requirements of the latest standards.

Integrate with your ERP, CRM, Office365, and much more

Connect SoftExpert Suite to other business tools already used in your organization.

Worldwide Office Locations

Supporting and implementing your growth and expasion everywhere! We are present locally, ready to ensure that SoftExpert solutions are working without limits.

An award-winning platform recognized by customers

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