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  • "We can assure the gains are both in timesaving in the activity execution – in some of them there were a gain by until 50% and in the quality of executed tasks. By the data analysis and dashboards, with the availability of fast and reliable information, we can make decisions with more security".

    Marcos Martareli - Raymundo da Fonte corporate process manager

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    Easy integration

    Our solution is easily integrated with other systems

    Legislation-compliant platform

    Own tool to meet ISO 9001 standard

    Real-time information

    Your business data synchronized between users

    Grupo Raymundo da Fonte is manufacturer of household cleaning and personal care products, spices, and insecticides. It reached 95% of sales points in Brazilian northeast and north regions, the group counts with more than two thousand four hundred employees that act in five industrial plants located in Pernambuco, Pará, Bahia, Ceará, and Minas Gerais. With 370 products in the portfolio, the company holds, among the market leading marks, Brilux, Even, Sonho, and Minhoto vinegar. With the invoicing of R$950 million in 2021, the group manufactures three hundred million liters of sanitary water, one hundred million liters of softener, two hundred and seven million of soaps, sixty million liters of vinegar and other products such as disinfectants, multi-purpose ones, toothpaste, among others yearly
    • SoftExpert ESM
    • Retail

    Digital transformation throughout business

    With a fact growth, an average of 15% in last five years and the opening of new units in Horizonte – CE in 2019 and Itajubá - MG in 2021, the group needed a management tool where the processes could be structured with information security warranty, which could provide dashboards for following the results, in addition to be easily integrated to the already existing processes and systems. The corporate process manager, Marcos Martareli, remembers the methods were too much artisanal, in relation to the document management.
    Many times, a simple procedure of view an invoice for product return, for instance, became exhaustive because there was not a tool integrated to ERP that would allow this control and access to information in an agile and safe way”, he remembers.

    Search for a complete platform

    To face these challenges, the company has gone to the market to look for a solution that would make viable the elaboration of structured processes and procedures, electronic documentation, action plans linked to the result dashboards and that could systematize the deviation adjustment routines and create electronic forms. The SoftExpert technology integration ease with other systems was one of the differentials that Martareli has highlighted, and it was determinant for choosing the tool.
    We always mention that SoftExpert Suite allows use to execute everything that is important in the process, and it is not found in an ERP", he emphasizes.
    Nowadays, all departments and units of the group are being covered by the solution by twenty automated processes used daily with an average of eight thousand accesses/month. Among the main automations, there are processes and electronic forms for the customer file, IT tickets, goods return, people management, change request, occurrence record, customer and supplier complaint handling, and residue management. In addition to the process automation, the Group has also been successful in the implementation of components as the document management, audit, action plan, and calibration. With them, more than three thousand documents are created and managed, more than thirty action plans area managed monthly, making possible to execute the legal and normative audits of the integrated management system, besides managing the calibration plans that guarantee the group equipment status. Martareli explains that, after the implementation, the group has identified the necessity of controlling the IT tickets too. The SoftExpert Suite platform has been incorporated to ESM - Enterprise Service Management tool for the service management.

    Gains in efficiency and corporate governance

    Now, by the service management tool, it is possible to monitor the SLA levels, by the ticket criticality and status, control how many tickets are answered and which of them have been approved or rejected by the requester, classify by category (system, infrastructure, or telephony), in addition of having real-time visibility of each ticket progress.
    We won more reliability and agility in our activities by structuring many of our operations and making easy their management,” he adds.
    The manager strengthen that it is mandatory to use the tool in the company, once it provides the team learning ease in its use and autonomy in the elaboration of processes, documents, action plans, management portal creation, among others. Among the results achieved by using the platform, it is possible to highlight the time reduction in the activity execution from workflows, security in the record storage, ease to view documents, possibility of data analysis in the dashboards, helping in fast decision-making because of the reliable information that is available. Legislation compliance The company has a specific certificate for alcohol packaging, issued by Inmetro guided by decrees, which are based in the ISO 9001 Standard. The marketing of the product is only allowed if they have this certificate, which considers process and document issues. In this context, the solution also brought important results that were noticed in the external audits.
    With joy, we heard the testimony of and auditor who audited us ten years ago and, recently, he came to audit us again. He was amazed with the current reality we are in because we are using SoftExpert Suite”.
    Among the Company challenges now, there are the elaboration of new workflows, activation of the Suite new components and integration with RPA platform.

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