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  • Now, after three months of implementing the software, with welldefined functional roles, responsibilities and SLAs, we have real visibility of all the phases and our customer can also monitor by chatbot in which phase the load is, trace the truck in real time and receive notifications automatically by e-mail and WhatsApp, everything integrated to SoftExpert Suite platform.

    Maikon Abati - BI manager

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    Customer Success

    Increasing customer satisfaction


    Real-time flow monitoring


    Automatic notifications by WhatsApp

    With productive capacity of thirty thousand T per year, Sementes Jotabasso is one of the biggest Brazilian soy seed producers. The company, which counts with five units in a total area of one hundred hectares, dedicates to cultivate soy seeds and grains, such as sorghum, wheat, oat, among others and it also bets in the business diversification, as agriculture, cattle raising, and animal genetics. The technology is present in Jobasso DNA, which has the purpose of continuing to expand its business by delivering seeds with highly productive potential to the rural producers
    • Agribusiness

    Automation of systems

    To follow this technological evolution, Jotabasso has identified the necessity of automating the complete system of inputs with the objective of improving the consumer experience. Sementes Jotabasso BI manager, Maikon Abati, explains that the great difficult the seed companies face today is to conduct the shipment process because it is established in a short term that is linked to the crop and the weather conditions. “In Jotabasso, we live an intense period to deliver inputs to the rural producers and, exactly in this phase the difficulties appear, soon after the seed marketing. We needed a solution that help us to have visibility of all the delivery process phases and that our customers could follow the order status. So, we went to the market searching for a solution to help us to map the process and conduct it effectively,” he comments. Maikon tells the records and controls were executed by an Excel spreadsheet, then it was impossible to perform the governance since information was lost or not updated on due dates.

    Standardization of processes

    The BI manager recalls the seed company benchmarked with companies from the agribusiness segment that already used SoftExpert Suite and the features for choosing the platform were: process implementation ease and a product customized according to the specific customer requirements. The organization, which is investing highly in infrastructure – more than three hundred million reais only in the last three years, has implemented the SoftExpert Suite tool to manage the whole cargo transport flow. What is more, Abati tells that an exclusive shipment are has been created and it is responsible for conducting this project. “In addition, we have trained our teams, invested in technology by acquiring tablets for the truck and tracker checklists, for example,” he states. The shipment phase is especially important for Jotabasso because it reflects directly on the customer experience and it involves many departments of the company as logistics, financial, commercial, tax, warehouse and administrative. “So, when we found the solution, it was necessary to map the whole process, design the flows, establish SLAs, and the important phases.”

    Increasing customer satisfaction

    As important as when acquiring quality products, the producers need to receive their inputs in the correct deadline because of their windows of planting that last thirty days in average. And, according to Abati, this was the main gain with the process automation: allow a complete experience to the customer with agility and transparency.
    “Now, the sales technician representative has access to the complete flow to answer the customer questions, he can open the complete process and show all phases of that load. This was not viable previously, once everything was in the people heads. Now, the customer himself can check his shipment progress by the chatbot,” he says.
    Other gain highlighted by Abati is associated to governance. According to him, the company knew there were bottlenecks, but it did not know which ones and in what phases the challenges were more evident. “With the platform, which offers profound views of the business by panels, dashboards, and notifications, now, the leadership has security and maturity to analyze what are the critical points, if the deadlines are being met and what are the greatest pains for the customers,” he emphasizes.

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