White Paper

Project vs. Portfolio management – Avoiding a common trap with strategic initiatives

Discover important tips to avoid common traps with strategic initiatives and increase the chances of successfully accomplishing goals.

À propos du contenu

Does your company take a portfolio view of projects? Or do you analyze them one-by-one?
When it comes to strategic projects and initiatives, focusing on a particular silo rather than the big picture can create risks in other areas, leading to wasted time, resources and frustration.
In this article, Carol Williams provides important tips to avoid common traps with strategic initiatives and increase the chances of successfully accomplishing goals.
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À propos de l'auteur

Carol Williams
Carol Williams, CRM has over 10 years of experience helping organizations develop customized enterprise risk management tools to support decision-making and strategic planning. She is the founder, CEO and principal consultant of Strategic Decision Solutions and publishes weekly how-to and other articles for fellow risk professionals at her blog, ERM Insights by Carol.

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