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  • Hyundai automates innovation program and improves productivity with SoftExpert Suite

    Publié le 04/09/2024

    The "My Bright Idea Portal" has already registered more than 4,000 ideas Hyundai Motor Brasil, a vehicle manufacturer with a production capacity of 210,000 cars per year, automated their ideas program by creating the "My Bright Idea Portal", developed on the SoftExpert Suite platform – a corporate solution for the integrated management of compliance, innovation and digital transformation. The result is that the process for approving and registering ideas, which used to take days, can now be carried out in just a few minutes. The program, aimed at capturing, evaluating and monitoring innovative suggestions generated in the company – which was previously done manually- was replaced with the "My Bright Idea Portal", an initiative made available to the 2,800 collaborators at the 1,390 square-meter factory in Piracicaba (SP), Brazil, which is also home to the first Hyundai Motor Group Research and Development Center in the southern hemisphere. Fernanda Zucoloto, Hyundai's Quality Supervisor, recalls that it used to take a lot of time to execute the flow of ideas. In 2020, 1,156 hours were spent on rework, which is the equivalent of six months. “Controls were carried out using spreadsheets and some stages of the process depended on the manual collection of signatures, making it impossible to automatically manage deadlines and responsibilities, resulting in a loss of data,” she explains.
    According to Fernanda, the suggestions that were controlled in parallel spreadsheets and with follow-ups by email was replaced with a portal full of useful and fully customizable data, with automatic reminders that allow collaborators to register and monitor their suggestions in a simply and quickly manner, in addition to redeeming points with just a few clicks. “This greatly facilitated the execution of the flow and the effective management of data, allowing for more focused and objective action planning,” she emphasizes.
    The SoftExpert Suite solution allows you to register an idea and monitor it through all the stages, and in real time, using a structured and automated system. In just the first six months, 1,485 ideas were registered on the portal, with 866 in progress and 231 currently implemented. The requests made before automation were added to the platform to facilitate monitoring, totaling 4,000 records.
    According to Libele Silva, Hyundai's Quality Assurance analyst and person responsible for the project, one of the main benefits has been the improved agility of users to carry out and manage activities. “We have had very positive feedback from collaborators, as the system facilitates monitoring by everyone involved in the process, providing more control and autonomy in the management of the ideas generated,” she says.
    The company plans on encouraging collaborators to use all the available resources and benefit from the data provided by the software.



    Opérant sur le marché des logiciels de gestion d'entreprise, SoftExpert a vu le jour en 1995 dans le sud du Brésil. Actuellement, la marque compte plus de 500 employés, 2 000 clients, 600 000 utilisateurs répartis dans 50 pays, 300 partenaires dans le monde, notamment des alliances stratégiques avec des sociétés telles qu'AWS, Bakertilly, Deloitte, Kodak Alaris et DocuSign, en plus d'unités commerciales dans 9 pays. . En effet, SoftExpert propose des solutions aux entreprises allant de la gestion commerciale et de la qualité d'entreprise à la gestion environnementale, de projet et gouvernementale dans un seul contrat pour ses clients, leur offrant ainsi une plus grande efficacité, agilité et rentabilité. Sa présence mondiale montre que SoftExpert adapte sa gamme de services en fonction des besoins des entreprises, ainsi que de leurs localisations. La plateforme propose un ensemble de modules multilingues intégrés pour automatiser les processus et optimiser les différents domaines d'activité des organisations.

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