The tool improves team productivity and virtual deliveries and is free for the first three months of use
To support companies struggling to stay in business, SoftExpert has just launched
SoftExpert eTeams, an integrated cloud platform to improve collaboration and improve the efficiency of remote work.
Aware of the operational and financial challenges that companies of all sizes and sectors are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the company is offering the tool, free of charge, for the first three months of use.
The solution, which is hosted in the cloud and can be accessed remotely from anywhere, allows users to organize tasks and workflows, create and automate processes, design forms, generate and share documents, control work hours, plan and manage projects, conduct virtual meetings, monitor performance and access data on portals, as well as perform automated routines safely, facilitating the management and effectiveness of activities and teams.
SoftExpert eTeams allows you to control all types of tasks in an organization: repetitive, non-repetitive, planned and unplanned; including routine activities, meetings, customized deliveries, and more complex or long-term work.
"Without the unified vision that SoftExpert eTeams provides, it would be impossible to plan and measure 100% of your team's actions, as each member is involved in all these different types of activities in the course of their work. Thus, it becomes impossible to effectively manage the productivity and efficiency of teams when the information about activities and resources is spread across different systems, or when part of this routine is manually distributed and has no automated control," SoftExpert CEO Ricardo Lepper explains.
Ricardo adds, "Managing teams and their tasks with a corporate tool is no longer an option; it's a decisive factor for the survival of companies. The main challenge is not only to ensure the profitability of the business, but ensure its continuity by reducing operating costs and increasing the volume of deliveries; that is, delivering more results with fewer resources."
SoftExpert offers the market a tool that is comprehensive and, at the same time, simple to use and manage. It measures, in real time, the progress and performance of work and teams, connects professionals in the company or working from home, allowing them to share and use updated data and documents in a timely manner.
SoftExpert eTeams has eight cloud-hosted components:
- SoftExpert Kanban: automates task allocation and remote monitoring of workflows and deliveries in a visual, collaborative space;
- SoftExpert Process: manages all operational processes from start to finish, from the modeling and standardization of flows, forms and deliveries to the execution, measurement and monitoring of results and performance;
- SoftExpert Project: controls all stages of the project life cycle, from planning and execution to control and closure, monitoring deadlines, human and financial resources, quality of deliveries and project and team performance;
- SoftExpert Meeting: ensures the scheduling, organization of agendas and the execution of virtual or face-to-face meetings. At the end, it prepares the minutes for electronic signing, as well as the planning, execution and control of the deliberated actions for each agenda;
- SoftExpert Document: in a collaborative environment, professionals can create, capture, approve, sign and share documents easily and securely, ensuring an updated version of the document is available for each task;
- SoftExpert TimeControl: manages resource allocation actions during planning and records the number of hours spent on the execution of activities, monitoring the productivity level of teams and the billed or non-billed activities;
- SoftExpert Analytics: prepares customized data and results analysis panels for each need. In addition, it allows you to share these graphs and spreadsheets among managers, in real time, for decision making;
- SoftExpert Portal: it brings together all the actions and data described above in one place, in a simple and practical manner, for teams and managers. The layout and content of the portals can be customized to satisfy each specific need.
For more information, access:
Watch the video about eTeams and learn more about all the benefits the tool offers:
Opérant sur le marché des logiciels de gestion d'entreprise, SoftExpert a vu le jour en 1995 dans le sud du Brésil. Actuellement, la marque compte plus de 500 employés, 3 000 clients, 3 000 000 utilisateurs répartis dans 50 pays, 300 partenaires dans le monde, notamment des alliances stratégiques avec des sociétés telles qu'AWS, Bakertilly, Deloitte, Kodak Alaris et DocuSign, en plus d'unités commerciales dans 9 pays. . En effet, SoftExpert propose des solutions aux entreprises allant de la gestion commerciale et de la qualité d'entreprise à la gestion environnementale, de projet et gouvernementale dans un seul contrat pour ses clients, leur offrant ainsi une plus grande efficacité, agilité et rentabilité. Sa présence mondiale montre que SoftExpert adapte sa gamme de services en fonction des besoins des entreprises, ainsi que de leurs localisations. La plateforme propose un ensemble de modules multilingues intégrés pour automatiser les processus et optimiser les différents domaines d'activité des organisations.