Channel of Reports

The Channel of Reports was established so that its employees, customers, partners, suppliers and others stakeholders can report indications of illegal practices, fraud, corruption, money laundering, discrimination, harassment, bribery, conflict of interests, irregularities or deviations from compliance with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

When making a report, your identification will NOT be required (anonymous report) unless you opt for this option (report with identification).


All information and documentation received is treated with exemption, confidentiality and independence. All reports will be evaluated with privacy and confidentiality, guaranteeing the privacy of the whistleblower you wish to identify.


It is very important that minimal information is provided to ascertain the facts reported. When reporting a report, seek as much detail as possible (eg, what, when, who, how, how, where and why), including formal evidence and name of witnesses who witnessed the facts. Vague or unproven reports of what happened may make it difficult or impossible to calculate. In order for the reports to be analyzed and the appropriate measures taken, we request as much information as possible.



This Channel of Reports should not be used to:
– Call record of support or maintenance. To do so, access the Customer Portal.
– Product and service complaints. For this purpose, contact the Ombudsman at Contact page.


I dati della denuncia sono facoltativi, quindi se desideri rimanere anonimo, semplicemente non li compilare.


Indica l'argomento del reclamo

Puoi allegare prove a supporto dell'incidente. (.pdf, .doc, .docx, png, jpg, jpeg). Limite di 8MB.

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