
8 Essential Features of Great Performance Management Solutions

Read this eBook to find out which are these features and how they can help on the overall organization’s performance.

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Performance Management is critical for planning and monitoring an organization success, but it can become a challenging task when a multitude of home-made systems and spreadsheet reports no longer support the growing business. To optimize results, organizations need a solution that engages the whole organization.
Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is important for any company looking to reduce costs, better align KPIs, upgrade organizational strategy and enhance the planning and monitoring process. In order to do this, different strategic frameworks and management methodologies are employed, like Balanced Scorecard, EFQM Excellence Model and Six Sigma.
Regardless of which model you choose, a performance management solution must contain 8 essential features. Read this eBook to find out which are these features and how they can help on the overall organization’s performance.
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