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"The results achieved are extremely beneficial to the relations between Nidec Global Appliance and its customers, ensuring that, with effective solutions, customer perceptions of the company's products and processes are increasingly positive."

Laiz Maia, Nidec technical support specialist in the Quality area


Greater agility and reliability

Manage their customer requests globally

Assertive actions for solutions and suggestions for improvements

Cost x benefit relationship

Process optimization

Agile Software

With more than 15,000 collaborators in 9 countries, Nidec Global Appliance manufactures and markets products for commercial and residential use, including refrigeration solutions, motors for washing machines, dryers and dishwashers, as well as components for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The division is part of Nidec Corporation, a global leader in the motor and component manufacturing industry for a wide variety of industries, headquartered in Japan.

Customer transfer management

Nidec needed a solution that that could manage their customer requests globally. Laiz Maia, Nidec Global Appliance's technical support specialist in the Quality area, emphasizes that the company needed a system that was easily accessible by all plants in the group.
“We were looking for an online system that could document all the root cause analysis actions and action plans,” she says

SoftExpert Workflow

The project includes the implementation of the SoftExpert Workflow, Problem, Form and Analytics modules, which are now used by customer quality teams in all of the company's plants. In addition, other areas that have contact with customers also use the solution, including Logistics, Technical Support, Sales and Manufacturing.

Logging a request in real time

According to Laiz, with the SoftExpert Excellence Suite solution, all units are currently able to easily access detailed customer requests, with action plans and defined causes. The specialist also highlights how easy it is to create and configure new users in the system.
“Today, all employees who need it have access to the software system. When a new user is created, they automatically appear in the system. We just have to configure the permission license and, in two minutes, they are using the tool. This speedy process is a great differential,” she says.
Another great feature is the ability for users to access the system via mobile phone or tablet, allowing, for example, a customer quality engineer to register a request in real time while visiting a customer using a mobile phone camera to share photos and videos directly in the tool.

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