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The SoftExpert Suite is an integrated management platform with unlimited potential. Thanks the solution's implementation, we were able to centralize and control all information associated with indicators, risks and audits across the entire organization. The solution's action plan works for both risk treatment and improvement actions. This makes it easy for process leaders and support managers to define and consult information intuitively and reliably, guaranteeing that action plans are created according to the results found.

Gabriel Ojeda - Specialist in Solutions and Products for Process Automation and Corporate Content Management


Integrated management

All information associated with risks and audits centrally

Process control

A single platform to ensure precise control

Secure Information

Managers can develop action plans according to the results obtained

Sonda has been on the market for over 45 years and is one of the biggest players in Information Technology services in Latin America. The multinational, which operates in 10 countries, in 3,000 cities with around 22,000 direct employees and over 5,000 corporate customers.

Integration and global view

Audits, indicators and risks were managed in a decentralized manner, which made it hard to monitor results and implement action plans. The company was looking for a solution that allowed it to integrate management of these items, providing a global view of results, with reliable information that is updated in real time.

The Solution

With the implementation of the SoftExpert Suite, all strategic information is centrally controlled. The entire organization currently manages audits and risks using the platform. Performance indicators and corrective actions are managed in an integrated way by the SoftExpert Performance and SoftExpert Action Plan components.

Guaranteeing compliance

With the SoftExpert solution, managers now have a clear and reliable view of results. Now that information has been centralized, the Company has precise controls while also guaranteeing compliance. Indicators are managed in a more sophisticated fashion, including multidimensional outcomes, where calculating some items is more complex. In addition, not only are the results for Sonda operations able to be managed, but so are all indicators associated with services provided by third parties.

SoftExpert Advantages

• Low complexity of implementation • Cost x benefit relationship • Integrated components • 100% web

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