Imperative for managing risk in pharma

How to effectively manage the corporation’s reputation embedding risk management in their normal business practices.

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A quick scan of the literature reveals a plethora of articles written about risk and the damage that can impact a pharmaceutical company’s reputation when bad things happen. Emphasis on risk management began to shift with the advent of enterprise risk management (ERM) as specified in regulations similar to the Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 requirements for financial reporting. To manage reputation, a corporation needs to have a continuous process that supports internal changes and decisions and allows it to respond well to external changes – especially those emerging stakeholder concerns that can affect its reputation. In this article the author describe how to effectively manage the corporation’s reputation embedding risk management in their normal business practices and translating that throughout the value chain.
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About the author

Robert B. Pojasek, PhD
Dr. Pojasek is an internationally recognized expert and practitioner in the fields of risk management, sustainability, pollution prevention, and process improvement. During 40 years of management consulting, Dr. Pojasek has advised corporations on improving their processes, products and services across the entire value chain. Dr. Pojasek has served on the Science Advisory Boards of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Air Force, panels for the National Research Council, the World Health Organization, and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. He has published more than 100 journal articles and seven books. Dr. Pojasek teaches at Harvard University, where he was recognized for his teaching excellence with the Petra T. Shattuck teaching award. Dr. Pojasek holds a Bachelor?s in Chemistry from Rutgers and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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