
APQP in practice: The 5 crucial phases for new product development

Read this e-book and find out how APQP can optimize product quality planning, ensuring more efficient processes and customer satisfaction.

İçerik hakkında

In the constant pursuit of excellence in management and development of new products, the application of APQP stands out as an essential tool for communication among all involved parties and for ensuring the timely completion of all necessary stages, guaranteeing full customer satisfaction. 
Although many sectors, especially the automotive industry, already use APQP to enhance communication, minimize misunderstandings, and reduce costs, various industries still face challenges in effectively implementing this methodology. 
In this e-book, you will learn about the 5 phases for the development and supply of new products in the automotive industry. Discover best practices for the correct implementation of APQP and ensure compliance with customer requirements. 
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