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  • Problem

    Efficiently identify, manage, and resolve challenges and obstacles that arise in your processes and business with an intelligent and proactive solution.


    More efficiency for your routine

    Proactive problem identification

    Proactively identify problems before they become crises, enabling fast and effective intervention to prevent negative impacts to your organization.

    Problem identification.png

    Smart prioritization

    Prioritize issues based on their severity, business impact, and urgency of resolution, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to resolve the most critical problems first.


    Collaboration and communication

    Make collaboration easier between teams and departments for problem identification and resolution, ensuring effective communication and the exchange of relevant information in real time.


    Root cause analysis

    Leverage advanced root cause analysis tools to investigate the source of problems and implement effective corrective actions to prevent their recurrence in the future.

    Problem analysis (Ishikawa).png

    See everything the module offers to your company

    Centralized records

    Log and track all identified issues in a centralized platform, contributing to efficient management of this data. Also register this information on mobile devices.

    Assignment of responsibilities

    Assign clear and defined responsibilities, ensuring that each problem is handled by a responsible team or individual with a resource-focused workload distribution.

    Analytical tools

    Leverage intuitive graphical tools with drag-and-drop functionality for root cause analysis and problem-solving workflow design.

    Status tracking

    Monitor the resolution status of each problem in real time and allow external users to also register and track issues.

    Risk assessment

    Assess the potential risks and involvement in problem resolution based on urgency, complexity, downtime, and potential impact.

    Integration with other systems

    Integrate with other management systems and enterprise software, ensuring efficient data and information exchange among different organizational areas.

    Bring this solution to your company

    Discover the solutions that are part of SoftExpert Problem

    Supplier Lifecycle - SLM

    Supplier Lifecycle - SLM

    Improve the control and assessment of your suppliers from their initial identification and qualification to performance monitoring and supply base rationalization with an intuitive and uncomplicated interface platform.

    Explore the solution

    Compliance with global privacy and security standards

    Advanced data protection

    SoftExpert ensures the protection of your company's data and compliance with the requirements of the latest standards.

    Integrate with your ERP, CRM, Office365, and much more

    Connect SoftExpert Suite to other business tools already used in your organization.

    Worldwide Office Locations

    Supporting and implementing your growth and expasion everywhere! We are present locally, ready to ensure that SoftExpert solutions are working without limits.

    Why do customers choose SoftExpert

    Success Case
    Comau increases operational efficiency and reduces risk of failure by 60% with SoftExpert
    See The Full Story
    Success Case
    Hyundai automates its innovation program and improves productivity with SoftExpert Suite
    See The Full Story

    Kley Hertz

    Success Case
    Kley Hertz enhances processes, guarantees information security and boosts productivity with SoftExpert
    See The Full Story
    Success Case
    Buschle & Lepper invests in R&D, increasing revenues with the SoftExpert solution
    See The Full Story
    Success Case
    One of the biggest food and beverage companies in Central America has successfully deployed its Shared Services Center with SoftExpert
    See The Full Story

    An award-winning platform recognized by customers

    SoftExpert News