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  • Workshop on Excellence in Management is successful in Colombia

    Pubblicato in 04/09/2024

    Event held by SoftExpert and Data Technology, with the support of Althviz Consultores, brought together more than 90 executives from leading companies from different economic sectors of the country

    SoftExpert, a provider of software and services for automating and improving business processes, regulatory compliance and corporate governance, and its business partners in Colombia, Data Tecnologia and Althviz Consultores, are celebrating the good results of the Workshop on Process Management to Excellence in Management, held on November 20, at the Marriott Hotel in Bogotá (Colombia).

    The event was attended by more than 90 executives from leading companies in different economic sectors of Colombia. Organizations from the chemical, financial, textile, medical, food and beverage, and other sectors were present, among them Mexichem Colombia, Banco Pichincha, Sodexo Colombia, Permoda, 3Biomat and the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation.

    The program included the presentation of "Process Management for Excellence in Management" by Ricardo Lepper, CEO of SoftExpert, and presentation of case studies presented by Jesús Badillo, corporate technology director of Italcol Alimentos Concentrados. Roger Molina, director of documentary management of the Aviatur group (transportation and tourism), and Gustavo Insignares, the head of organizational efficiency at Esenttia, the Colombian petrochemical industry. The goal was to share experiences on the benefits achieved with the best practices of Management Excellence and how to turn them into competitive advantage for their companies.

    For Ibeth García, Permoda's project manager, the event was very enriching. "Each of the lectures helped us see many of the benefits of adopting the practices and tools presented," he says.

    Jaime Ayala Castillo, general manager of Data Technology, and one of the organizers of the event, evaluates that the workshop was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate all the benefits that SoftExpert solutions can provide to organizations. "With the digital transformation, companies are experiencing a fourth industrial revolution and to face the new challenges it is fundamentally important to have a system of excellence in management," emphasizes Ayala.

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    About Data Tecnologia

    Data Tecnologia is the Colombian company with over 30 years of experience in implementing world class technology in Colombia and Central America.

    About Althviz Consultores

    Althviz Consultores is a company with more than 15 years offering consulting services in international management standards, supporting companies in Colombia in the implementation of business management software.



    Operando nel mercato dei software per la gestione aziendale, SoftExpert è nata nel 1995 nel sud del Brasile. Attualmente il marchio conta oltre 500 dipendenti, 2.000 clienti, 600.000 utenti distribuiti in 50 paesi, 300 partner in tutto il mondo, comprese alleanze strategiche con aziende come AWS, Bakertilly, Deloitte, Kodak Alaris e DocuSign, oltre a business unit in 9 paesi . Questo perché SoftExpert offre soluzioni per le aziende che vanno dalla gestione aziendale e qualità aziendale alla gestione ambientale, progettuale e governativa in un unico contratto per i propri clienti, fornendo loro maggiore efficienza, agilità ed efficacia in termini di costi. La sua presenza globale dimostra che SoftExpert adatta la sua gamma di servizi alle esigenze delle aziende e alle loro sedi. La piattaforma offre una serie di moduli multilingue integrati per automatizzare i processi e ottimizzare le diverse aree di business delle organizzazioni.

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